HGrubbs: 2001 A Space Odyssey
Class Notes:
Long, musical intro - black screen
“The dawn of man” - sunrise shots
Apes, one attacked by cheetah
Ape scream-off??
Monolith black rectangle box thing appears
Apes are scared but try to intimidate it
They try to understand it - this “abstract” added to their life changed them, they no longer were scared little monkeys
Ape starts hitting things, not afraid → leads to technology, hunting
Uses imagination to foresee how to live
Kill enemy ape by beating it with bones
Bone becomes space tech (one piece of tech evolved to modern tech)
Airplane in space
Zero gravity grip shoes
Another rectangle in ship shot
Voice and face recognition to enter meeting room on spaceship - in hilton hotel on ship
“Picturephone” = facetime
Talking to Russians, cold war ?
The war between the apes = the conflict between the the men and nations
Zero gravity meals, toilets
Big dome opening - sphere lands in it
Little ship landing is circle square thing
Was it there to be intentionally found or not ?
SAME black rectangle monolith, same music playing, astronauts walking to it - reflective of the ape scene
High pitched ringing from box
Running is sideways circle
Hibernation chambers - reminds me of sleep tanks in beyond the aquila rift
Hal - computer running the human brains of the hibernating men - sounds like Hell and Hel
“We are incapable of error” yeah like the Titanic
They can’t truthfully say whether or not Hal is capable of real emotions
Vitamin D treatment
Hal says happy birthday
Plays game of chess with frank - “thank you for a very enjoyable game”
HAL - IBM (creator of HAL) EVERYTHING references something already done in the past
Hal asks to see Bowman’s art - Hal asks very personal questions
Hal admits to having doubts about the mission - and he holds responsibility
Questions rumors - doubts the intentions of the leaders
Sudden failure of certain parts of the ship
Siri and Alexa are the closest we have to Hal
Loud breathing - taking the man’s perspective - inside the helmet
Stopped at 01:18:10
Destroyed all models used in the film
Camera in helmet means Hal sees
Hal recommends putting the failing unit back and letting it fail, cutting off communication temporarily
“I make no error” - Hal = human error
Everseeing eye of Hal - even when they went somewhere he couldn’t hear, he read their lips
Hal overrides pod and kills one of the men, disconnects the three “hibernating” people thus killing them
Hal refuses to let Dave back in the ship
Dave gets in and begins to disconnect Hal - Hal fights for Dave to stop
Dave enters the “brain” of Hal - “Stop, Dave” - Hal starts saying he’s afraid, he can feel what Dave is doing to him
Hal’s voice starts to get slow, deep, muffled - sings “Daisy”
Hal starts playing pre-recorded briefing meant to be seen when landed
The black monolith floating in Jupiter’s space
Weird rainbow lights, like tripping on acid
Extremely strong color contrasts
Pod is now in some fancy house?
Dave is trembling, looking at himself, aged version, outside the pod
Then the pod is gone, aged version of himself is still in spacesuit and walking in fancy house
Old man in black eating at table, sees/hears dave, turns out it is dave (the old man)
Knocks white wine off the table, then Dave sees himself even older, dying in bed
Movie began with “dawn” of man and ends with “dusk” of man → black monolith appears in his room
From monolith’s view: Dave baby in womb → perspective switches to ours, we go up and touch
Dave baby in womb is looking at the world from space, the end?
Craiyon Image: "A cat with purple roses in the ocean"
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